Coaches are our league's biggest asset. Thank you for stepping up to help us run a fun and successful league year after year.
Just a few notes:
1. All coaches, assistant coaches and helpers MUST fill out a volunteer app. To do this, please create and account (if person does not have a player) and fill out the Volunteer form. Background checks will be done to ensure the safety of all our players.
2. A mandatory coaches meeting and draft night will be Wednesday, April 3rd at Webster School. Coach Pitch and Farm League coaches will meet at 5:30, and Minors and Majors League coaches will meet at 6:30. You will receive a coaches packet that will contain the league Safety Plan, club rules for each division, concussion protocol and medical release forms that each player's family must review and return. Equipment pick-up and Field Clean-Up Day will be Sunday, April 14th at Copper City Softball Fields (Longfellow Fields) at 2 pm. First day that practices can start will be Monday, April 15th.
3. Little League has some great information for new and veteran coaches. Here are a few links to get you started.
4. Here are the links to complete concussion training and abuse awareness training. All head coaches, assistant coaches, and board members need to complete this training:
Concussion Training: (please use computer or tablet to access, as people are finding they cannot access from phone)
Abuse Awareness Training (scroll down the page and click "Abuse Awareness for Adults" course):
***Please send these two certificates of completion to [email protected].***
5. Remember, we are ALL volunteers who want the best for our kids and our league. Please be respectful to our umpires and other coaches.
Let's have a fun season!